Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Whatcha' been playin'?

I haven't deserted this blog yet...

I was fairly busy this weekend, so I didn't get to game nearly as much as i wanted to. Other then a bit of League I did start playing Antichamber. I am about 4 hours into it right now and let me tell you, it is nothing short of brilliant. At it's core it is a first person puzzle type game (think Portal), but it is so much more then that. Almost like a look into the human psyche. It actually wears down your cognitive abilities as you play. I absolutely recommend everyone buy and play it.

I know I said I would get pictures of my physical Stack of Shame up, but yeah... I was busy, and lazy, but I promise it will get done... eventually... someday
As soon as I stop looking for funny cat pictures to put in my blog posts.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Things to look for soon...

Update time...

First, this weekend I plan on posting pictures of my physical game stacks on here for all to see (and look down upon me for). Once they are all up I will be fleshing out the WTF? and The Stack Pages.

Second, I was thinking about using polls to determine what games I start playing. If you like this idea, let me know in the comments.
Not those kind of polls...
Third, I am thinking about writing quick reviews of the games I have "Sufficiently Played". Nothing super in depth and no grading scales, just a quick blurb of what I liked/didn't like and if it is worth checking out. What do you think? (points down at the comment button)

Last, I know everyone wants to know what I have been playing, and if it includes anything other then League of Legends (my worst bane against actually getting to my Stack). Well, I have been playing more League, but I also got in some time with Guild Wars 2 and a game that is actually from my stack, Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit. I have clocked in almost an hour and a half, which doesn't sound like much, but I paid less them 5 bucks for it, so it is technically "Sufficiently Played". However, I am really enjoying it, so I will probably stick with is for a while.

Well, that is it for now!